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I know life can get busy and fuzzy at times. Well we hope to be a place where you share your thoughts and feelings or just read and reflect with us as we share ours. 

HerFaithStory is a christian platform aiming to be a safe and brave space for those who wish to share or reflect with us through our writings. At HFS we welcome people of all beliefs and differences and we hope that our friendly content comforts, heals and helps you live a blessed life😌

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Portray God's Love!

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for...

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We in HFS desire to reach out and share the word of God and  we hope it heals and comforts someone. We are committed to serving God and being used for His purpose and we wish to learn, teach and walk with you in this journey of knowing Christ.

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God Bless You❣

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